How to change your mind/outlook for 2020 –
The whole world seems upside down, at the moment, at least to most of us. The Covid-19 pandemic has indeed turned the world on its head; it is challenging, every nation, every state and most individuals in ways we would have never imagined in 2019 or any time before then.
The current situation necessitates a mind change, a new outlook for 2020, as a survival skill, even more so for parents of young and older children.
It helps to remind ourselves that every crisis, big or small, presents opportunity. It might not be evident whilst we are still wrapped up in the crisis but hope springs eternal.
In order to change your mind/outlook – an ongoing process as things change continuously, at least for the moment – for 2020, you could and probably should:
• Spend a set amount of time on news updates
Too much news can be just that, too much. Not to mention fake news and hearsay. At the moment print and online media are reporting on the pandemic, Covid-19, lockdown levels and deaths, more than on any other topic. This news content influences your emotions and thoughts.
Allot a limited time per day that you use to catch up on international and local news. You could also limit yourself to one news source. Don’t scroll aimlessly at any time.
• Focus on upbeat rather than downbeat news
Also focus on quality rather than quantity.
Practice positive thinking, stop negative thinking.
An easy example to illustrate the upbeat versus the downbeat: On the 15th of June 2020 there were 70 038 confirmed covid-19 cases of which 38 531, more than half, have already recovered.
It is not for nothing that a saying goes: Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
• Look at – and learn from – the past
The world and you, in your personal life, have survived many crises in the past. The world has had – in recent times – 9/11, tsunamis and the financial crisis of 2007-2008, to mention but a few.
Resilience pulled us through. In the same way we will get through this too.
• Become aware of unexpected benefits and new opportunities
Under lockdown there have been unexpected benefits such as spending more time with your nearest and dearest (and pets!), learning new skills like how to Zoom and bake (banana) bread (and make pineapple beer, perhaps) and generally having more time (maybe for some long overdue DIY) on your hands.
Currently the air in many cities all over the world is cleaner due to less pollution.
In many ways this is a time to count our blessings – you could even make a list of the things that you are grateful for.
• Pay it forward
Make a difference. Embark on random acts of kindness. It will make you feel good too although that is not the original intention.
Find out which charity organisation or feeding scheme close to where you live could do with help whether it is a donation or something more hands-on. Check on someone in your street or neighbourhood (remember social distancing though).
As Mahatma Ghandi so famously said: Be the change you wish to see in the world.