Tips to make final exams less stressful

Tips to make final exams less stressful –

Exams. Are. Stressful. You know this. All your fellow learners know this.

Some people are more prone to stress than others. Some fall into the following category: I stress about stress before there’s even stress to stress about. Then I stress about stressing over stress that doesn’t need to be stressed about. It’s stressful!

Others see life’s stresses differently: Stressed spelled backwards is desserts, they reckon.

Here are 6 tips to give your (exam) stress wings and let it fly away, as another Pinterest saying goes.

  1. Concentrate and focus

    Concentrate in class. Concentrate at home when you are sitting at your desk (or wherever you choose to study).

    Focus on your studies and the results you want to achieve for your final exams. Focus on your ultimate goal.
  2. Keep your study notes up to date

    Take notes in class. Summarise the class notes once you get home. Don’t fall behind in doing this as it takes extra time and effort to catch up – time is of the essence at the moment.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class

    Remember the following saying: He who asks a question, (occasionally) remains a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question, remains a fool forever.

    Don’t hesitate to ask a question in class if you don’t understand a concept that is covered. Alternatively, ask a classmate who is an ace at the particular subject.
  4. Find (a) study bubby(ies)

    Studying with a study buddy or a group of study buddies makes sense as long as you ensure that you put in enough hours working on your own as well.

    Studying with someone or more than one person is of benefit as you can explain concepts or sections of work to each other. It makes learning more fun too!

    Many learners find that it makes revision easier and that it takes less time to work through what has been covered in class. When you and the others in your group are serious about your studies you will hold each other accountable and you will master reflective learning. Click here to learn more about reflective learning too.
  5. Don’t hibernate, don’t procrastinate, don’t cram

    Draw up a study timetable. Familiarise yourself with exactly how many weeks are left before your final exams start. Ascertain how much work is to be covered. Work out how much time you need for each section of each subject.

    Make peace with the fact that there will no time for an extended holiday until you have finished your final exams. Instead, short energising breaks will have to suffice.

    In short: Don’t take too long before your start preparing for your finals.
  6. Follow a healthy lifestyle for exam success

    Eat a healthy breakfast. Sustain your energy levels and keep up your concentration by eating wholesome meals for the rest of the day. Stay away from sugary snacks and drinks and too much coffee. Drink enough water. Get enough sleep.