A tribute to teachers – the unsung heroes of our nation

A tribute to teachers – the unsung heroes of our nation

Here’s some food for thought…

  • Teaching creates all other professions
  • Teachers change the world – one child at a time
  • Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that will grow forever
  • The influence of a good teacher can never be erased
  • Teachers give children the roots to grow and the wings to fly
  • A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches the heart
  • A teacher is a multi-tasking educational rock star who lives to inspire and loves to encourage
  • The future of the world is in the classroom

In what has become one of the roughest and toughest years, education – and the world – has seen, it is easy to lose sight of how important the job of a teacher is and how it has an impact on everyone at some stage in their life.

The work that you – as an educator – do
has an impact on the lives of young people and in turn this has an impact on the communities where they live.

Teaching is a profession like no other. It has its challenges, it involves a myriad of responsibilities, there are never enough hours in the day and, let’s face it, it’s tough to be a teacher. Even more so when, as was once said, teachers wake up every morning to the realisation that the majority of their students would far rather be someplace else!

You know that you did not become a teacher for the fortune you knew you were going to make. You also definitely know that you did not become a teacher for the fame you were going to attain.

Whether you consciously thought about it or not, you became a teacher because you would go on to make a difference in the world. As a teacher you bring hope to learners. You bring encouragement. You allow learners to dream. And you reap the rewards of seeing young people grow into young adults.

It is one of the very few careers where you can see progress that is made on a daily basis – a learner grasps a concept, you see a group of learners working as if you are not there but precisely because you taught them what to do, you realise you are educating the mind but at the same time you are educating the heart too.

As Pope Francis allegedly said,
“Teaching is a beautiful job as it allows you to see the growth day by day of people entrusted to your care.
It is a little like being parents, at least spiritually, it is a great responsibility.”

If a day at school has drained all your energy… use your teacher voice and read the ‘food for thought’ again.
YOU make a difference.

For the good of the nation.

On the 5th of October it is International Teachers’ Day.
Start planning now how you are going to reward yourself – and a colleague too.
Because teachers can’t live on apples alone…